Current financial status
The MyBB Project's expenses are currently being covered by the MyBB Team and due to financial stability and legal reasons we currently do not accept direct donations.
You can, however, support authors of themes and plugins by using the Donate button on Extend project pages.
Similarly, we recommend supporting like-minded third party projects listed below.
Consider donating to...
GNU Privacy Guard
GnuPG is a free implementation of the OpenPGP standard providing encryption and authentication solutions. MyBB uses GnuPG to maintain a secure release process and provide package verification features.
Electronic Frontier Foundation
The EFF is an international non-profit protecting privacy, innovation and free expression rights. MyBB benefits from their support of open source software and encryption technologies.
The OpenBSD Foundation
The OpenBSD Foundation is a Canadian not-for-profit corporation which exists to support OpenBSD and related projects such as OpenSSH, OpenBGPD, OpenNTPD, OpenSMTPD and LibreSSL. MyBB and the web rely on the software supported by the foundation and its continued maintenance.